Children Who Remember Past Lives

October 28th, 2015 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

This One Hour Webinar starts at 9PM Eastern Time. Your Registration Page will have a link to calculate the time for your particular time zone

This webinar is part of a series of webinars offered by Forever Family Foundation. It is our new and exciting way to both fulfill our mission to educate the public and change world view about what happens after we die. And the best news yet is that you don't have to get on a plane and travel to one of our Afterlife Conferences anymore. Now, in the privacy of your own home, you can watch and learn from the greatest people in their field.

For thousands of years, people have contemplated the possibility of returning to bodily form after physical death. Discussions of reincarnation have been popular from ancient texts to modern day media.

Some scientists have been interested in uncovering evidence suggesting that past life memories are indeed real. Dr. Jim B. Tucker and his predecessor, Dr. Ian Stephenson, both at the University of Virginia have together investigated thousands of such cases in four decades of research.

Of particular interest to Dr. Tucker are past life memories of children, and he will be talking about some of the most astounding and evidential cases. These accounts continue to be documented throughout the globe, and represent strong evidence that consciousness survives physical death.

If you would like to learn what scientists look for in reincarnation cases, or perhaps you or someone that you know appear to have memories of a past life, you will not want to miss this stellar presentation!

Books by Dr. Jim Tucker:

Life Before Life: Children's Memories of Previous Lives

Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives

What is a Webinar

A webinar is a seminar conducted over the internet using software designed to share a presentation and/or video of the presenter as well as audio capabilities for presenter and participants. You will use your computer to "attend" the webinar.

How Do I Register?

Just click the "REGISTER NOW" button below, fill out the form, and you will receive further instructions to reserve your seat.

If you are a member, a limited number of Member Only seats have been set aside at $5 (Membership must have already been in effect at least 30 days prior to your registration and you will be asked to enter your membership number in the registration form*).

If you are not a member of Forever Family Foundation, you will be asked to pay a nominal fee of $20 to attend this seminar.

When The Webinar Begins, How Do I Join?

After your registration is approved, you will receive an email with simple instructions on how to join the webinar. In addition, you will receive reminder emails with the same instructions.

Click this "REGISTER NOW" button and complete the registration form. You will be taken to our website Registration Confirmation page where you can claim your Member Only Seat*, or your non-member seat. On the page following your registration, you will be asked to complete payment for your seat. An approval process will follow and you will receive instructions for tuning in to the October 28th webinar.

* Members will have to enter their membership number which can be obtained by logging into their profile using the login link in the upper left hand corner of this page.

Children Who Remember Past Lives